Ivana Gilger Ivana Gilger

Marketing and Music

DJ Booth

As can be seen throughout my website, I am passionate about music. In my time at the University of San Diego, I was a member of USD Radio, where I hosted my own reggae radio show, wrote articles published to the website, and became the Program Director of the club. As Program Director, I worked alongside two other students to produce weekly content for our website and social media accounts, host weekly meetings, and oversee the club members. I gained a lot of experience in this position, including how to work efficiently with others, how to be a leader, how to create a marketable social media presence, and how to produce quality content. I built relationships with local and student artists.

One of my favorite parts of USD Radio was music journalism. I most commonly wrote album reviews, concert reviews, and artist spotlights. I currently have seven articles published to the USD’s media website, and I have written many more articles outside of those. Two of my favorite published articles have been my Mac Miller album review for Circles and my interview with a local San Diego band called We The Commas. One of my favorite articles I have written is a song and music video review for R&B singer Wale’s “Good Vibes.” Unfortunately, this article was never published, but I still am very proud of it. Before attending USD, I had never written a music-related article, and I never knew how much I would love it. During my first year of college, I produced content weekly for USD Radio. The quality of my articles has improved immensely since I first started writing and I have found my own personal style. Writing these articles allows for creativity, expression, and education through art.

As well as being a writer for USD Radio, I also previously hosted a reggae show once a week for an hour called “Rhythmic Reggae.” Once a week for one hour, I would sit in the studio and play reggae music. I would speak in between songs about the artists, the rich culture of reggae music, and the history of reggae music. I often liked preparing themes for my shows, such as Hawaiian reggae music night, the Marley family music night, women reggae music night, and so many more. My experience with my radio show has opened up the possibility of having my own talk show or podcast one day. I could also use my experience to prepare artists for their own interviews.

Finally, during my third year at USD, I was the Program Director of USD Radio. I worked with two other students to oversee all of our organization’s operations. We coordinated student-hosted DJ shows, produced written content weekly for our website, and maintained our social media accounts. In this role, I learned to be a leader who works efficiently with others. I also learned how to effectively run a social media account. I learned how to build meaningful relationships with local artists that helped the artist and the station.

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Ivana Gilger Ivana Gilger

Real Estate

Lauretta Street Apartments

I graduated in the May of 2022 with a double major in Business Marketing and Real Estate. If the music and marketing career path does not work out, I would love to use my Real Estate degree. I took a Real Estate class for my major called Commercial Real Estate Finance and Investment. In this class, I spoke to my professor about how I see myself using my Marketing degree more than my Real Estate degree. He told me about careers in marketing for real estate offices. If I were to be a marketer for a real estate firm, I would help to advertise the showings of properties, decorate showings, decorate lobbies, and be in charge of all marketing tasks. I think this would be a very fulfilling career because it would combine both my majors, which I did not think was an option. However, I would also be interested in pursuing solely a real estate career, without the marketing aspect.

In my real estate courses at the University of San Diego, I learned about many different aspects of real estate.  My favorite aspects are how to effectively put commercial real estate properties for sale and how to find the right properties selling at the right price. In one of my classes, I had worked on a project to sell a brand new apartment complex on Lauretta Street. It is a 30-unit apartment complex built in 2021. The Lauretta Apartments are located 3 blocks from the University of San Diego. All units are two bedroom and two bathrooms, ADA approved. I built a financial package containing all the necessary information to sell this apartment complex. I was able to use my marketing skills to make the package visually appealing while using my real estate degree to include the right information. A career building financial packages and helping advertise properties for sale would be ideal with my degrees. 

Right now is the perfect time to enter the job field, as many companies are hiring as things are ramping back up after the shutdown due to the pandemic. San Diego is also very over-populated and the turnaround rate for housing is less than 2%. The need for housing is crucial for San Diego, and I would love to be able to work on new projects and create more housing in the city. I can also use what I have learned as a Marketing major to help with creating the financial packages for real estate sale projects. Financial packages contain the information needed when trying to sell a property: investment disclosure, executive summary, project summary, project description, project location, market analysis, financial pro forma, tenant pro forma, and pictures. My Marketing degree would help me to make a visually appealing while still professional financial package.

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